Category Archive : People Management

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Building a successful business takes significant time, effort, planning, and implementation to produce the desired results. The more thoughtful you are in strategically planning your quarterly goals and action plans, setting firm project plan ground rules, and considering other roadblocks or opportunities, the better your chances are for improving your business overall. It all begins…


Delegating effectively can lift the performance of both you and your company. Strong delegation skills are a vital tool, offering benefits for both the person who delegates and the team member delegated to. However, not all delegation is effective. Here are the common traps and how to avoid them. Dear CFO, I keep trying to…


Dear CFO. As the Head of Accounting, it's my job to keep our team productive, focused, and on-task. Lately, there's been a lot of conflict at work amongst our department. It seems like there are personality differences, petty arguments, and bad feelings everywhere. What would you recommend I do to smooth things over and build…


Is your schedule packed with team meetings? Boring meetings? Meetings where everyone on your team talks in circles? How on earth do you lead better team meetings? It turns out too many meetings are harmful to your overall business success and productivity. It may seem counterintuitive, but meetings are one of the most common productivity…


Dear CFO, Our company’s owner just handed me a long list of quarterly priorities for the department that I lead.  I would like to implement some of my own priorities as well this quarter, to help our department run more efficiently. How can I motivate my team to get more done at work? I want…

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