Category Archive : Grow Your Business

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The horror stories of business partnerships gone awry, often sound like bad divorces. Most of these stories serve as cautionary tales as to why we should never take on a business partner.  Of course, it’s possible to start and grow a business without partners, but there’s also nothing wrong with a good partnership. So should…


Goals, stretch-goals, five-year-plans, targets, and long-term objectives—there are a lot of terms surrounding the future of your business. But how do you keep your eye on the future so you experience realistic (and successful) outcomes? In business, we define the term targets as our long-term objectives (usually looking five years into the future), and goals…


Dear CFO, As the Financial Director of a small manufacturing business, I’ve been working with our sales team to set goals for next year…which has led me to wonder if I really understand goalsetting. I’m good at the “big picture” part, but I struggle to help them prioritize when we narrow it down. What are…


Building a successful business takes significant time, effort, planning, and implementation to produce the desired results. The more thoughtful you are in strategically planning your quarterly goals and action plans, setting firm project plan ground rules, and considering other roadblocks or opportunities, the better your chances are for improving your business overall. It all begins…


Dear CFO, I’m hoping to really ramp up our online sales in our marketing department. As the department head, it’s my job to set our benchmarks and figure out our quarterly goals and action plans. I know breaking it down into bite-sized pieces is key. Could you advise me on the best way to set…


Throughout sports history, there are many great pieces of wisdom. Anyone who's read Harvey Penick's golf-based philosophies or Vince Lombardi's insights on teamwork knows there are plenty of business lessons in sports. Today, there are two sports where you can learn powerful lessons about the way you think of your business: high jumping and basketball.…

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