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The horror stories of business partnerships gone awry, often sound like bad divorces. Most of these stories serve as cautionary tales as to why we should never take on a business partner.  Of course, it’s possible to start and grow a business without partners, but there’s also nothing wrong with a good partnership. So should…


Delegating effectively can lift the performance of both you and your company. Strong delegation skills are a vital tool, offering benefits for both the person who delegates and the team member delegated to. However, not all delegation is effective. Here are the common traps and how to avoid them. Dear CFO, I keep trying to…


Entrepreneurs, we’ve all heard it, haven’t we? When you talk about a stressful situation at work and someone says, “Gee I really wish I could run my own business,” or “I wish I was my own boss.” Entrepreneurs know it’s not always fun and games. In fact, little does your pal know the 24/7 work…


To acquire or not acquire, that is the question. Before you set your acquisition strategy, you need to explore the reasons and benefits. Companies seek acquisitions for many reasons, some of the most common reasons for acquisition are: Geographic expansion in the same line of business Consolidation of competition in the industry Acquire R&D or…


What constitutes an advisory board? Who should participate on an advisory board? Is an advisory board the right fit for my business? While most private companies aren’t required to have a formal board of directors unless investors or their banks insist, advisory boards bring value to the business. Even if you are the sole owner…


There is much discussion of key performance indicators: what are KPIs? How to set KPIs? How to organize your dashboard? Let’s clear up some of the confusion as to what KPI means as well as discuss how to choose YOUR key performance indicators for YOUR dashboard Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, are a powerful tool…

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